Proactive Compliance Management Through Predictive Technology
Anticipate Risks Early, Take Action Today

Continuous LOS Predictions
Patent pending machine learning technology that designates a predictive length of stay for every patient on census

Easy Interactive Dashboards
A unique dashboard for every open cap year provides multiple visual tools to efficiently highlight areas of concern throughout a hospice organization
Improved Business Decisions
AI technology that monitors your behavior and equips you with real-time data to make informed financial and operational decisions
Provider Specific Dashboard
Predictive, Accurate, Efficient & Secure
Project Medicare Revenue
Through the software’s AI engine and real-time integration with your EMR, Hospice Dynamix software designates a predictive length of stay for all admissions and continuously calculates the Medicare Cap liability across your organization.

Mitigate Compliance Risk
Utilizing a provider-specific dashboard, you will have the tools and information needed to clearly identify current and future compliance risks so you can feel confident about making risk assessment decisions.

Benchmark Referral Sources
Because Hospice Dynamix associates a Predictive Length of Stay with every referral source, you can quickly identify the depth of your referral network, observe the impact that each referral source category has on the development and sustainability of your census, and proactively assess the quality of admissions from each referral source type, in real-time.

Provider Specific Dashboard
Predictive, Accurate, Efficient & Secure
Who has access to the dashboard?
What does the Dashboard show me?
What is the Projected Cap Liability forecast period?
How long is the implementation process?
How do I get started?
Is my EMR compatible?
Will my patient data be secure?
How was the software designed?
Why Saas, Hospice Cap Dynamix?
What is Predicted Average Length of Stay (PALOS)?
What is Predicted Length of Stay (PLOS)?
What is the Future Beneficiary Count?